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 1. Andi McDonnell  Tips for people with diabetes to manage holidays with ease  MiHealth 
 2. Christiaan Stoudt  HNHI-2005-04-18 HomeNetworkHelp.Info - 7 tips to manage your files better.  HomeNetworkHelp.Info 
 3. Exercise Physiologist Rich Weil - MedicineNet.com  Diabetes and Exercise: Tips and Precautions  MedicineNet.com: Diabetes and Exercise 
 4. UMHS:Andi McDonnell  Foot problems common among people with diabetes  MiHealth 
 5. Science Audio  PTJ's Podcast Discussion for November 2008: Fat, Muscle, and the Benefits of Exercise for People With Diabetes  Physical Therapy - PTJ 
 6. The PMO Podcast Host: Mark Perry  The PMO Podcast: Episode 130 - People Management Tips for the PMO  The PMO Podcast 
 7. The PMO Podcast Host: Mark Perry  The PMO Podcast: Episode 011 - People Management Tips for PMO Managers   
 8. The PMO Podcast Host: Mark Perry  The PMO Podcast: Episode 011 - People Management Tips for PMO Managers   
 9. David Maister  You Cannot Manage Through Pay Schemes  Managing Professionals - Attitudes, Skills and Behaviors 
 10. Melanie Benson Strick - Success Connections, Inc.  Why You Need To Manage Your Compulsive-Inventor  The Success Connection Podcast 
 11. Anthony Robbins  7/1 Manage Your Life, Not Your Time  Personal Power - Day 7 - Bonus: The Rapid Planning Method 
 12. Dan Hanson and Jill Mason-Miller  Manage your sales process  The Great Lakes Geek Show 
 13. Dan Hanson and Jill Mason-Miller  Manage your sales process  The Great Lakes Geek Show 
 14. Adam Bomb  Using PowerShell to manage GPOs  Using PowerShell to manage GPOs 
 15. Girish Raja  CRM Accelerators: Event Manage   
 16. Travis Wright  CultivateGreatness.com #008 - How Do You Manage Your Growth?  © Cultivate Greatness 
 17. Travis Wright  CultivateGreatness.com #008 - How Do You Manage Your Growth?  © Cultivate Greatness 
 18. Peter Kay  Use Project software to manage your life  YourComputerMinute.Com Tips 
 19. Matthew Dickens  Life As A Movie Theatre Manage  The Matthew Dickens Show 
 20. Chip Ingram  Learn to Manage Your Life Wisely  5 Smooth Stones 
 21. David Jackson  MC169 Can I Manage My Bands Website with a Blog?  Musicians Cooler 
 22. ARMA 2006 International Conference and Expo  Victor Owuor, Product Manage, Stellent  ARMA 2006 International Conference and Expo -- Powered by PodTech 
 23. bobsadviceforstocks  Basic Principles: How I Pick Stocks and Manage my Portfolio  Stock Picks Bob's Advice 
 24. Xtalks  Using RFID Cabinets and Freezers to Protect and Manage High-Value Inventory  Xtalks 
 25. Charlie Cherry  #51 Diabetes Down Under  DiabetesPowerShow.com 
 26. KOMO News  Diabetes  Herb Weisbaum 
 27. Kent Bottles, M.D. and Robert C. Tennant, CTO of CTO2  Strategies for Computerizing Your Office: IT Is Just a Tool to Better Care for Your Patients and Manage Your Practice  The Journal of Medical Practice Management 
 28. Wayne Turmel  The Cranky Middle Manager Show #41 The Courage To Manage with David Maister  The Podcast Network 
 29. Cecilia Sauter  Preventing Diabetes  U-M Diabetes Dialogue Series 
 30. Craig A. Smith, DVM  Feline Diabetes  Feline Healthcasts 
   1 2 3 4 5 6 7    »
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